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Centrum Chrześcijańskie „Rzeki Wody Żywej”, ul. Grottgera 17b 76-200 Słupsk

Meetings with Joe and Laura Corry

All who are eager to hear the living Word of the Gospel are most welcome to great meetings with missionaries from Northern Ireland Joe and Laura Corry.
The dates of the meetings: June 29th, June 30th, and July 1st
The place: Rivers of The Living Water Christian Centre in Słupsk, No 2 Filmowa str. (Centrum Chrześcijańskie Rzeki Wody Żywej, Słupsk, ul. Filmowa 2)
These missionaries first visited and ministered the Gospel in our city in the early nineties. Prophetic message of God shared by them with certain people and us as the Church has become a great blessing. In the past years, they have come true in all the details. God uses them in many parts of our planet bringing hope, freedom, healing, and guidance to many. They are also a part of a Christian television ministry that reaches millions of Europeans and Americans. In their country, they pastor a local church that grows and has a positive influence on the local community. They last visited our city in 2001. For two evenings, they shared the Gospel in the Philharmonic Hall in Słupsk. Their ministry brought encouragement, hope and physical healing from many diseases to many. In their ministry supernatural signs and wonders of God’s presence are noticeable. I personally see their return to our city as a unique manifestation of God’s favour for us. We expect Holy Spirit to work in a special way in the meetings. It can be a new beginning for you. Many years ago someone invited me to a similar meeting and it completely changed my life. I would not change it for anything else. I found everything that we all are missing and constantly looking for. Come to this special event!