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Centrum Chrześcijańskie „Rzeki Wody Żywej”, ul. Grottgera 17b 76-200 Słupsk


Welcome to our church’s web page. Whoever you are, I want to tell you that God has a special plan for your life. You can discover it through the relationship with people who have already discovered this. I welcome you with all of my heart – not to a new religion but to discovering your special place prepared just for you. It became true in my life – I know who I am, I know why I am. I have found my place where there is joy, peace and fulfilment.
Take a chance – your place is waiting for you. We will help you to find it.

Pastor of the church: Marek Siudek

“‘Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” [1 Thess. 5: 21]

Thank you!

We are very thankful to God and all the givers who participated in buying our new facility for the Church!

Since Dec. 5, 2017 it is our property and thanks to the supernatural favour of God it has been completely payed off!

Pastors Marek and Ala Siudek


Our Bible study in January 2025

1st – 6th – Mark

7th 23rd Psalms 1 – 50

24th 25th  1 John

26th – 2 John

27th – 3 John

28th 31st Song of Solomon

and one chapter of The Book of Proverbs every day according to the date.

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